Performance at work is important – we have to be well to do well
2020 has been one hell of a year for all of us. It’s hard to believe that murder hornets were something to worry about at the beginning of the year. Then, starting in March, each new day presented truly unprecedented challenges.
But work won’t wait. Our people are suffering from crisis fatigue and the struggle is real for all of us. This year, we’ve experienced all the stages of human response to crises as we’ve tried to put on a good face and keep going during uncertain times:
- Stage 1: Heroism
- Stage 2: Honeymoon
- Stage 3: Disillusionment
- Stage 4: Crisis fatigue
Performance at work is important. We must all perform because our companies must succeed. Otherwise, we are just making a bad situation worse. But we can’t do our best if we’re not at our best.

In other words, we have to be well to do well.
In this 5-minute read, learn how to identify crisis fatigue and leverage holistic well-being to help our teams overcome, adapt and perform.