A better approach to wellness
We’ll come right out and say it: There never has been a great way to measure the effectiveness of well-being programs. Sure, there are surveys or statistics that try to prove their value. But there’s no industrywide standard around measuring the shifts in a person’s well-being and life satisfaction, nor is there one for gauging the true impact a well-being program has on the people and culture of an organization.
But there is something that tells a more complete story. Something refined through years of research, benchmarked with leading corporations, and powered by some of the brightest minds in the world.
It’s called flourishing.

And it’s much more than a revolution in measuring well-being programs. It’s transforming well-being strategy. It’s informing the way programs are designed and implemented, and how HR leaders approach the growth of their culture. Ultimately, that means it’s going to create workplaces where people want to be, and employees within those workplaces who are energized, engaged, and want to grow.
Download the Executive Summary to Learn:
- The Six Domains of Human Flourishing from Tyler VanderWeele’s, a professor at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School for Public Health, research
- How to Measure Flourishing using an incredibly powerful, deceptively simple, 12-question survey
- Why Flourishing Matters and how it impacts business outcomes
- How the Future of Well-being is being transformed through implementation of this validated flourishing measure