3 Mistakes Employers Make with Biometric Screenings – And How To Avoid Them

Employee health is critical. Employees who are physically and mentally healthy are happier in their lives, and likely high performing at work. To optimize overall workplace wellbeing, many companies now provide biometric screenings for employees. The Biometric Screening Market is expected to boom in 2022 – a clear sign that the need is greater than ever before.

Workplace health and productivity are intrinsically linked. Many organizations have realized that taking care of employees’ health benefits both the workforce and the organization. Employee biometric screening programs will improve morale, minimize absenteeism, and increase retention. That is what we aim for with Aduro Wellmetrics® – to fold traditional biometric screening into a whole program for a healthier workplace environment.

However, as with any wellness program, mistakes are possible and can be optimized. Often these mistakes are the same across different companies and industries. Here are the three mistakes employers make with biometric screenings and how to avoid them.

What Is A Biometric Screening?

A biometric screening for your employees provides a snapshot of their health and alerts them to any changes in their medical situation. Biometric screenings in the workplace are used by employers to assess the overall picture of health of their employee base. A business can profit from greater performance and productivity by allowing employees to remain on top of any health issues. Biometric results are typically used to evaluate, and give advice on:

  • Weight and BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Blood sugar levels

Wellness counseling and education, risk assessments, and fitness regimens may also be included. Remember, biometric screenings are not intended to replace routine physical examinations by a healthcare provider – screenings do not provide medical diagnoses. Screenings can identify potential danger factors and health problems. They also make it easier to track changes in vital health statistics from year to year, supporting general health maintenance.

3 Mistakes Employers Make With Biometric Screenings – and How To Avoid Them

Mistake 1: Not Providing Regular Screenings

Failure to offer regular biometric screenings may result in preventable healthcare costs. Unrecognized early health warning signals can cause health issues to deteriorate, leading to full-blown illness. Prevention is, after all, the best cure. 

The important thing with screenings is regularity. Once a decade will achieve nothing. Too often will be difficult logistically. An employee’s health and well-being will change on a regular basis, so providing quarterly or annual biometric screenings to your employees presents them with a baseline of their health to help them level- and goal-set for the year. It also provides an aggregate perspective of your workforce’s health – not to mention employee peace of mind that you are prioritizing their health and well-being.

Invest in a biometric solution with On-Demand Reporting and a Client Center for convenient data access. Aduro Wellmetrics® provides employees access to their results and support from Board-certified coaches. Comprehensive population data is populated into a single dashboard, allowing you to assess the general health of your organization and design a well-being program to address the needs of your unique population.

Mistake 2: Overthinking The Event

Biometric screenings may feel overwhelming to plan at first. Though it is natural to have reservations about having an on-site event or to be concerned about disrupting regular business operations, it is unwise to postpone the event and risk undiagnosed health issues.

Delaying the event may result in your staff missing out on vital health data. Overlooking early warning signs might lead to illness and employees having extended absences from work. Not to mention, it might jeopardize lives, making early detection all the more important.

If you are concerned about these things, we have flexible testing solutions and a team of experts to help plan biometric screening events. Aduro works with you every step of the way using Aduro Wellmetrics® to deliver adaptable solutions that meet the needs of you and your employees. We also provide a variety of testing alternatives that can be customized to your company’s specific requirements. Our testing staff adheres to CDC regulations to guarantee that the event remains safe for all participants involved.

Mistake 3: Not Acting Upon the Results

The only thing more frustrating than not knowing your screening results is not knowing what to do with them next. Biometric screenings are meant to provide employees with crucial data about the present state of their health, but they are not a diagnosis or a treatment plan. If the biometric screening yielded troubling results, the individual should be referred to a healthcare provider to understand their results and make decisions about treatment.

Unfortunately, this is not always done, and medical decisions may be postponed or ignored entirely. We’ve all been there: health data can be overwhelming, and sorting through it all can be difficult. 

With Aduro Wellmetrics®, we provide all necessary support throughout the process with Aduro Connect content and Human Performance coaches. We make sure employees understand how their results are related to their well-being and remind them of the importance of routinely monitoring their health. We will support them as they follow through and make critical health decisions. 

Aduro Wellmetrics™: Not Your Regular Biometric Screening Solution 

Wellmetrics® enables your employees to take serious steps in an accessible and supportive environment. We provide the most adaptable and tailored biometric screening solution to better meet employers’ and employees’ needs. With our comprehensive solution, you can easily integrate health data into your employee wellness program, allowing you to support individual development and track the health of your entire organization. 

It’s time to help your employees take back control of their health with Aduro Wellmetrics®.

Request for a Wellmetrics®  demo and start offering your employees a more comprehensive health solution.