Let’s imagine that your a company is a ship. The purpose is the destination and your mantra is your crew’s favorite pirate song. The company’s values are the compass, the pulleys, and all other instruments that steer the vessel to it’s destination.
The question is: Where are you going and how are you getting there?
Many businesses see the value in establishing a strong corporate culture, and some are taking it one step further to clarifying their values. However, picking values from a list does not mean that your culture is evident; your people should live and breathe these values.
At Aduro, employee feedback is incredibly important to our corporate culture. Our ninjas haves a large say in what they think our values as a company should be. We even go so far as to ask regular questions that may seem silly, such as, “If Aduro were a car, what would it be?”, but it tells us a lot about our brand.
In late 2016, Aduro’s leadership team met to set the vision of the next phase of growth and took all employee feedback into consideration. They refined our values, purpose and mantra statements, and we want to unveil them to you. They are core to our spirit of one big, hairy, audacious goal (aka BHAG): improving the lives of one million people.
Our purpose is to serve others and improve lives. Our mantra is to be Open to Possibility. Learn more about our five core values below.
All In

We are all in this together, with a big vision to accomplish. Act as a team, play to win and have pride in your work.
We are All In at Adruo, and we live our human performance programs, which is why we hire a new employee, they tend to stick around. It’s also why we can offer our clients a guarantee of improvement with Aduro.
Bring Your Verve

Everyone has an “it” factor. Discover it, bring it and use your unique strengths to serve clients, partners and teammates.
There are many, many books out there claiming that personality trumps skill in the recruiting world, and for us it’s a priority.
Every employee is carefully selected because they bring something new to the table. They bring something different and exciting that will keep our perspectives well rounded, as well as drive their passion to improve others lives, one micro-change at a time. We even have mugs with our strengths to remind each other what we bring every day.
Start Inside

Find your best thinking and act on it to keep learning, growing and improving from the inside out. Walk the talk.
Since we are all about micro-changes, this quote from Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, seems fitting:
Simply giving employees a sense of agency- a feeling that they are in control, that they have genuine decision-making authority – can radically increase how much energy and focus they bring to their jobs.”
Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
This value is crucial because it can apply to any outlet of your life, whether the goal is to lose weight, start a charity, or save for the future, change must start inside before it goes anywhere.
Delight Others

Serve clients and collaborate with teammates at the highest level by asking yourself, “What can I give to make others great?”
Possibly what makes employees at Aduro (or Ninjas, as we are referred to internally) stand out the most is that with every interaction we have, there’s a little extra something given. A little ‘oomph’ to make sure that the person leaves feeling delighted, whether they are a client, coworker, or random person on the street. The ‘cheers’ feature in TINYpulse, which allows you to give praise to another employee, is one of our favorites for this reason (although cookies don’t hurt).
It’s Bigger Than Us

Be humble, respectful, responsible, resilient and kind. Act with integrity. And be the change you wish to see in the world.
Aduro was conceived by four doctors with the desire to serve people and improve lives. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that one of our core value focus on helping others on a greater scale, what that means sustainable office material or helping out at the local teen soup kitchen.