How ADURO Creates a Positive Workplace Culture

What does it mean to create a positive workplace culture? Is it derived from a motivational poster hanging up around the office? Or monthly team potlucks? The reality is that workplace culture is much bigger than any single factor. It creates a sense of pride and comradery amongst co-workers, which not only gives them a reason to stay, but attracts new employees as well.

ADURO works hard to create a positive workplace culture that isn’t just limited to our headquarters in Redmond, Wash., but that also extends to our office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Why is that important? It’s our people — not just our branding — who define our identity as a company. And we’d like to be the type of company that practices what we preach to clients — take care of your employees and they’ll return the favor.

Here are some of the ways that ADURO encourages a positive and united work front — and how you can, too.

Hold Weekly Team Meetings

Once a week, gather employees together to keep them updated on what’s happening across the company. ADURO holds “Friday Fire” meetings, which are companywide gatherings in a “Town Hall” style format. No two meetings are exactly alike. One week, executive leadership may be discussing the “big picture” behind ADURO’s company goals. Another week, new ADURO ninjas may be introduced to the team. But one of our favorite moments is “One Great Thing,” where we give kudos to team members who did something great. It’s the perfect way to end the week on a high note. Coming together on a regular basis has helped us break down silos between departments and improve employee communication.

Close the Physical Gap Between People & Places

What do you do when physical distance creates work barriers? ADURO closes the gap by inviting members of the Vietnam office to visit the U.S. — and vice versa. One such visit happened this past June, when Vietnam employees Phuoc Phan and Lam Nguyen came to visit us at our headquarters in Washington. It was Nguyen’s first time in the U.S. and he said it felt like he was visiting family. We also make a point to stay connected with remote employees through weekly check-ins via phone or video chat.

Be Inclusive

Keep your employees informed about what’s going on within the company and allow them to provide feedback. ADURO uses TINYpulse to gauge how our workforce is doing and invite feedback. You can change the questions each week and also tailor them to your company and culture. Feedback can be shared publicly, privately or anonymously; empowering people to have a voice. When people’s voices are heard, their feelings transition from “this is the company I work for” to a more collaborative feeling of “I am part of this company.”

Reward Hard Work

To create a positive workplace culture, it is essential to make all workers feel valued. We hold an employee appreciation week twice a year during the summer and winter called “Verve Week.” This past summer’s Verve Week included a group cycle ride, coloring hour, and summer hoedown. On a daily basis, we also take care of our employees by helping them stay energized. We provide a free fuel bar, stocked up with healthy snacks that they can grab throughout the day. When employees feel valued, it translates into a feeling of purpose at the company and can improve their quality of work, job satisfaction, and sense of loyalty to their workplace.

Creating a positive workplace culture isn’t just good for employees; it’s good for the company. It can help to increase engagement and productivity, according to the Harvard Business Review. But it doesn’t happen overnight. Each weekly meeting, open dialogue, and recognition of achievement adds up to a happier, healthier workplace. And it’s up to all of us to do our part to cultivate and maintain it.