A Coach’s Guide: Getting Your Employees to Truly Disconnect

Disconnect to Reconnect

August has begun and chances are your employees have set aside some time for PTO or vacation. Whether that time off is spent on their patio or in a tropical location, for most people it can be hard to escape the commotion of work and constant communication. In fact, 66 percent of U.S. employees work more frequently outside normal hours because of access to technology, according to a 2017 Gallup study.

This month, we are excited to be sharing some of the great questions ADURO’s coaches use to teach participants (i.e. your employees) the concept of unplugging and relieving information overload.


How do you use technology throughout your day (at work, home, on the go, out of habit)? What percentage of your day is spent either engaged with a tech device or absorbing information?

Today, the access to information, communication, and applications has exploded. As a society, we’ve become more efficient and faster with our technology, especially as our daily work often shifts to consuming more knowledge and doing less intense labor. Regardless of finances and accessibility, we are constantly bombarded with exposure to these areas through electronics, devices, and other means. When you consider just how much exposure and sensory stimulus we experience compared to our great grandparents, it’s no wonder we end up feeling overloaded.


Do you use technology or does technology rule your life?

As humans, we are complex beings–full of an array of emotions, needs, sense of identity, and responsibilities. Part of that complexity also involves being naturally guided to lean toward things that are effortless and pleasurable, and reject activities or ideas that bring us discomfort and pain. When approaching technology through these means, it can either become a positive or negative force in our lives. Electronics can also be abused, resulting in sensory overstimulation, increased stress/anxiety, escapism, skewed self-perception and/or reality, and loss in time, energy, and focus to name a few. There are many reasons to why we end up getting hooked into excessive use of technology and experiencing overload. One thing to point out here is that technology (just like stress) is neutral and simply part of our daily lives, whether we actively engage with it or not. What gives it either a positive or negative effect is our personal perception and how we choose to engage with it. Consider in what ways you consciously or mindlessly use technology to meet your needs. Helping employees identify their own unique reason will be valuable and will even shed light on what their real needs are and how to fulfill them in a satiating way.


How do people feel when they consider limiting the time they use technology?

Often the reason why people remain in this cycle of getting distracted and engaging in technology is because they are seeking the short-term pleasure and a means to “escape” from momentary discomfort. But in doing this, you hijack the chance to create relief. By considering what “reward” you’re seeking, you will gain insight on what your true need is and help identify what action you can take to create true fulfillment. So, what can you do instead?


Encourage your team to explore their own habits and work together to interrupt the habit to build resiliency. Here are some good questions to ask:

  1. What is your habit? What is one area you use technology mindlessly or unnecessarily?
  2. What steps can you take to bring more intention into your habits?
  3. How will your day be different by shifting to a new, small habit? What will you gain?


At the end of the day, we are all pursuing happiness–whether that be connecting with loved ones, having the freedom to do what brings us pleasure, or even contribute beyond ourselves. Notice that what we seek and value is ultimately a quality of state rather than a tangible item, status, or identity. And this quality isn’t an event that is an end-all-be-all, but rather the expression of this quality many times over in our lifetime. We tend to get stuck in the strategy of how to get there and become removed from truly living the life we desire.

ADURO’s coaches encourage participants to take a moment and become present with their own intrinsic needs and values, and act to create equilibrium. Through onsite and offsite one-on-ones, coaches guide employees through meditations and practices to help them take control of their habits and attitudes, let go of the things that doesn’t serve them in a positive way, and step out of what is into what can be.

Read Iron Mountain’s case study to learn more about ADURO’s onsite coaching experience.