Daily Mindful Moments with Aduro Coaches: Week of March 23

Grounding Meditation with Coach Janssen

Grounding is a mindfulness exercise that you can do any time to clear your mind and build resilience. Taking even one minute out of your day for mindfulness practice offers a ton of benefits! Listen and practice grounding with Coach Janssen. 

The Power of Appreciation with Coach Jyotica

Where your attention goes, your energy follows. In challenging circumstances, it’s sometimes easier to focus on what goes wrong instead of what goes right. By choosing to practice gratitude, you can increase your happiness and sense of well-being, even on bad days. Tune in to learn more from Coach Jyotica about the benefits of practicing gratitude and appreciating the small moments of life. 

Working from Home Wisely with Coaches Molly & Elyse

Working remotely has become an increasingly normal option for many of us. If you are transitioning from working in an office to working at home, you’re not alone! In this episode of Hot Topics, Coach Elyse explores some ways you can create some normalcy and structure while working from home. 

Handwashing Meditation with Coach Maia

Even simple tasks like handwashing can be an invitation to practice mindfulness. Tuning into the small details while you wash your hands brings your awareness to this moment, allowing for clarity, insight, and reflection during your busy day. Listen and practice mindfulness with Coach Maia. 

Mindful Movement with Coach Janssen

Have you ever thought about trying yoga? Hatha yoga – the branch of yoga that emphasizes physical postures – has numerous mental and physical health benefits, and was recently identified by Harvard Medical School as a way to ease the stress and anxiety that occurs during times of uncertainty. Move alongside Coach Janssen as she demonstrates a sun salutation – a sequence of physical yoga postures that you can practice anywhere to give yourself a moment of mind-body connection.