Adventure is Out There! Unplug to Reduce Employee Burnout

Self-improvement is a hot topic, as you can see from various news articles and the numerous books that have been penned on the topic. Offering educational opportunities to employees is important to develop resilience and healthy habits. These are key factors in helping to reduce overall stress both inside the workplace and throughout life and, more importantly, prevent burnout.

Employee burnout is proving to be a major pain point for HR leaders, with nearly 46% saying employee burnout is responsible for up to half of their annual workforce turnover. HR managers are challenged to keep stress manageable to maintain high retention rates and build a strong culture. While workload and pay are consistently named key factors in burnout, each habit plays a role in our overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.

At Aduro, our focus on Human Performance reaches all aspects of life that help to stem burnout. Learn how Aduro’s employee wellness solution is an inclusive solution to support overall well-being and mental health.

The right kind of digital disconnect 

One aspect of living a happier, healthier life is the need to disconnect from technology in order to recharge and be our best.  In a study conducted by the American Psychology Association (APA), it was found that individuals who constantly check phone, email and social media demonstrated higher levels of stress.  

The same study revealed that while 65% percent of Americans agree that detoxing from technology is beneficial to mental health, only 28% percent unplug monthly, even just at the dinner table. One major benefit of a digital detox is the time we get back to focus on other things. It’s important to use that opportunity to institute healthy habits, including spending time outside. When individuals unplug and adventure into nature, performance related to memory, detail and attention span improves by 20%.

Some tips to help your employees disconnect:

  • Challenge employees to take their exercise outside to a secluded (non-urban) area at least a few times a month to reap the benefits of nature’s mental “reset” button.   
  • Remind employees that each habit has a trigger and a reward, and challenge them to identify what triggers may be tied to their technology.

While many jobs require the use of devices, take a few mindful minutes as an organization to step away from technology. This will help trigger the habit of unplugging, promote intentional behavior and allow employees to own their moment.  

Aduro’s Human Performance Coaches work with members to identify motivation and triggers for specific unwanted behaviors. Once those triggers are identified, our coaches work with members to work through different behavior-change activities.

Learn more about Aduro’s coaching services.