Biometric Ranges Updated

We are updating our definition of healthy as of January 1, 2019!

What does the idea of heathy actually mean? At ADURO, we are always looking to better define health and well-being in order to provide the right resources at the right time to help people Be Great at Anything™.

ADURO’s Chief Medical Officer, Tim Moore, says “Clinical health standards are established on Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines, and the most recent clinical research and findings are continuously being studied and updated as new information is discovered. That being said, we find it very important to regularly identify and incorporate any new recommended standards into what is considered a “healthy biometric range.”

Over the past several years there have been three major changes that impact healthy biometric ranges:

  • LDL:HDL – Experts recommend moving away from specific cholesterol, LDL and HDL “targets.” Instead, we will now put emphasis on LDL:HDL ratios specific to men and women. Women typically have higher HDL (good cholesterol) than men, and the average age for a woman to experience a heart attack for the first time is 7 years later than it is for a man. Therefore, there are different healthy ranges for men versus women for these ratios. This allows us to best inform an individual of their health risk.
  • Waist Circumference – Current research shows central obesity (excessive weight carried in the midsection) is more important than most easily calculable metrics in identifying people at risk for the Metabolic Syndrome. While we will continue to report BMI measurements, ADURO will focus our biometric testing on waist circumference. Again, the clinical guidelines state there are different standard healthy ranges for men and women.
  • Blood Pressure – Normal (healthy) Blood Pressure ranges have changed  based on 2017 ACC/AHA high blood pressure guidelines. This new guideline reclassifies grades of hypertension for the first time, which includes classifying elevated blood pressure when systolic blood pressure is 120-129 mmHg with a diastolic blood pressure of <80 mmHg. This change is estimated to increase the total number of American adults classified as having elevated blood pressure to about 46%. However, non-drug treatment management is recommended for most of these adults with newly classified elevated high blood pressure. This is an opportunity for people to make lifestyle changes earlier to avoid future risk for hypertension.

Based upon these guideline changes, we have made changes to our Healthy Biometric Ranges.

What research & sources did ADURO use to generate its updated recommended ranges and healthy standards?

We updated recommended ranges and healthy standards are established upon evidence-based clinical guidelines developed by the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the National Cholesterol Education Program, and the Centers for Disease Control. These guidelines are widely accepted by healthcare providers. They are reviewed regularly by ADURO and updates are made when there are significant guideline changes.

Are clients required to implement the change?

As always, our programs are configurable and we will continue to be able to support custom ranges for programs and incentives. However, all of our standard collateral and information will represent the new ranges. Beyond configurable ranges, any requests for collateral representing the outdated ranges will be a custom service request.

How and when will these updated biometric ranges be rolled out to program participants?

As of January 1, 2019, participants will begin to see the updated ranges through the platform, on WellMetrics® event scorecards, and on the ADURO app (as applicable). Participants will be able to find out more through updated supplementary web resources.

How will this impact my year over year reporting?

On January 3, 2019, we will be deploying a new set of standardized reports reflecting the updated recommended biometric ranges. This will apply to reports displaying Blood Pressure, Waist Circumference, Total Cholesterol to HDL Ratio, LDL to HDL Ratio or Metabolic Syndrome metrics. To ensure accurate comparison between years, ADURO will apply the updated ranges to both current and past program years. The impacted reports will differ from those previously provided.

How do these recommendations impact different program designs (Outcomes Lite, Health Contingent), Metabolic Syndrome ranges, and Revive® targeting?

The Evidence-Based Medicine Guideline updates are to individual biometric markers. Therefore, “Outcomes Lite” program design will change to align with the updated individual biometric ranges. Any program design elements tied to the Metabolic Syndrome risk factor targeting (Revive® and most Health Contingent program designs) are not impacted.

For current clients, consult with your ADURO Account Manager or account representative regarding program-specific details and impact. For all other questions, contact us here.