The power of culture: Two ADURO clients earn healthy-workplace awards

Here at ADURO, we are driven by the belief that people can be great at anything. And the most rewarding thing of all is to see this philosophy in action, as happier and healthier companies come to life.

So without any further ado, we want to give massive props to two of our clients that have recently received healthy-workplace awards, celebrating them for building cultures of well-being and helping employees realize their potential.

LG&E and KU: Healthiest Employers “Healthiest 100” #H100

Congratulations to Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company (LG&E and KU) for landing spot No. 53 on Healthiest Employers “Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America” list! This program honors organizations that have comprehensively incorporated the most vital corporate wellness policies, practices and programs in their workplaces.

“We are very thankful for our partnership with ADURO,” said DeAnna Hall, Manager, Corporate Health & Wellness, LG&E KU. “Our ADURO portal and easy integration with other partners was key to this award. Thank you for all of your hard work to improve the health of our most valuable asset — our employees!”

LG&E and KU CEO Vic Staffieri helped encourage participation in the program with a particularly powerful message: “You can’t be safe if you’re not healthy.” As a safety-focused company whose employees often work in dangerous environments, this message truly drove home the importance of incorporating well-being strategies and health-focused activities in everyday life.

Because the LG&E and KU family has a wide range of working conditions, from the office to the field, it was important to build a program that meets people where they are. Having easy access to program resources has been a crucial factor in helping more employees reach their goals.

Levi Strauss & Co.: A “2016 Healthiest Employer” in the Greater Bay Area

Who says you have to be in yoga pants to lead a healthy lifestyle? Levi Strauss & Co., known worldwide for its iconic jeans, was one of 76 companies recently honored by the San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Journal as a “2016 Healthiest Employer”!

The Healthiest Employers in the Greater Bay Area publication and awards program is produced annually to recognize organizations that proactively shape the health of their employees through innovative programs that take employee health and well-being to the next level.

We’re all in with you, Levi’s — and forever in blue jeans.

Congratulations again to LG&E and KU and Levi Strauss & Co. — two amazing examples of how  igniting your workforce can inspire people to be great at anything!