Simple Practices to Help Employees Calm the Mind and Reduce Stress

Building Employee Resilience Part 4 – Taking a moment to pause can significantly improve your well-being

Employees are feeling overwhelmed by the double-shift of managing their work and home lives simultaneously. When we think specifically about employee resilience, we have to consider the basics of self-care and well-being to ground us all in the building blocks that will help us flourish in work and life.

The 5 Building Blocks of Well-being and Self-care:

This week’s topic of our resilience series focuses on your emotional well-being and calming your mind to reduce anxiety, stress, and symptoms of depression. Nearly 47 million Americans are impacted by mental health conditions — and even more struggle with challenges that affect their emotional well-being.  

Simple Practices to Calm the Mind and Reduce Stress

Mindfulness practices are thousands of years old, backed by science, and are so easy to practice that you can teach them to kids! The best part? You and your employees can start doing it anytime, anywhere, with no specialized training or equipment needed.

Mindfulness describes your ability to be fully present in the moment, and it can take a little as 2 minutes to practice. Let’s try it right now!

Practicing presence is pretty simple in theory – all you have to do is pay attention to whatever you are doing right now. Our tip for you is to share this meditation with a few employees who seem stressed or anxious today. You could even add it to your internal email signature as a resource for co-workers.

Research shows that being present, or in-the-moment, can make our lives healthier and more enjoyable. Not only does it help with your physical health, but it also supports your ability to cope with challenges and stressors and improves your communication with others. And we all know your employees need ways to stay healthy and decrease stress right now.

Finding the tools and resources to support your employees and motivate impactful change can be challenging, but Aduro helps take the guesswork out of what to offer.

Learn more about how Aduro’s employee well-being solution supports all aspects of life, including the importance of mindfulness.