Aduro’s Interactive Work Readiness Handbook

Do you have a solid return-to-work plan? Curious how your plan stacks up against others? 

Aduro’s Interactive Work Readiness Handbook offers guidelines and resources backed by science and based on the organizing principles of holistic well-being and human performance. If you’re looking for help creating or updating your own plan, this guide is designed for you. And as you navigate the interactive guide, you’ll be given opportunities to see how other company’s plans stack up to yours!

In this interactive guide, you’ll find: 

  • Our latest guidance for reopening, backed by reliable science
  • A model for identifying risk tolerance and how to apply it to your plan
  • Science-backed triggers to guide your advance and retreat between stages of work readiness
  • A list of policy decisions to consider for each phase of your work readiness plan
  • Interactive poll questions that show how your plan stacks up against others

Reopening will be one of the most consequential business decisions you ever make. We created Aduro’s Interactive Work Readiness Handbook to offer practical guidance on what should be considered when deciding how and when to reopen your offices to employees, service partners and visitors. 

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