Building Healthy Relationships During the Holidays

During the holidays, it’s pretty common to find resources centered on healthy eating and movement in the winter months, but resources around building supportive and healthy relationships are often hard to find. Our Human Performance Coaches have developed content and programming around how to support each other and navigate the 24-7 togetherness because of social isolation recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following showcases some common challenges our members are discussing with their Aduro coach and offer resources and guidance to stay healthy through the holiday season.

24-7 Togetherness

How do you feel when you think about the holiday season? 

Here are some considerations for coping with 24-7 togetherness:

  • Make space for moments of not being “okay”
  • Everyone responds differently to challenging times
  • Work on having compassion and understanding for yourself and the people you live with

Resetting Expectations & Getting Support

To make the most out of this holiday season, we may have to reset some of the expectations we have.

Some tips for resetting expectations:

  • Check-in with your self on what is important
  • Make your needs known to others around you
  • Know when you need space, and ask for it
  • Know when things need to get done and plan accordingly
  • Accept that no one is perfect

Making Time and Space for Creativity and Fun

With the challenges of this year leading into the holiday season, it can be easy to feel down. Try to bring some joy and light through these suggestions.

Some ideas to build new traditions and stay connected in fun ways:

  • Create a new tradition
  • Have movie nights
  • Take a virtual cooking class with a loved one
  • Find a new skill you want to learn with someone else
  • Have virtual game nights
  • Write letters or notes
  • Take a mini road trip
  • Complete acts of kindness towards others
  • Create a time capsule to memorialize the positive aspects of this year
  • Create a scavenger hunt
  • Call that person you’ve been “meaning to call” for months
  • Send a text to help someone feel special

Creating Meaningful Moments

How can you create memories and meaningful moments from afar? Find some tips to gather together and feel connected even if it may not be safe to meet in-person as you normally would have done during the holidays. Fun fact – meaningful connections not only bolsters our resilience, but it can also keep us healthy.

Cultivate connections in ways that best serve you:

  • Use the various video tools available to connect virtually: Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, House Party, Google Hangouts
  • Plan for socially distanced chats – find CDC guidelines for in-person connections here
  • Make time for phone calls and sending a text 
  • Write a letter or send cards

We hope you’ve found these tips helpful. You can find more support from our coaching team to share with your teams, friends and family on our COVID-19 resource center

Aduro is here to offer support in all aspects of life. Learn more about Aduro’s Human Performance Coaching services on our solutions page.